When should my child begin talking?

This is the golden question!

As speech pathologist we typically want to know all about your child’s early language development. When did they begin cooing, when did they babble? These are milestones that lead up to talking. Cooing should happen from birth to 3 months. Babbling occurs from 4-12 months of age. However, babbling changes as children develop. In the beginning, 4-7 months, babbling is shorter (i.e. “BA”). By 7-12 months children are babbling long syllables (i.e. “babababa”). And around 12 months of age children begin to use simple words (i.e. mama, dada, uh-oh). From 12-15 months of age is where we hope to see an increase of single words. 18 months children typically have 50 words. 24 months we hope to see more two word phrases (i.e. “mommy go” , “blue car”), or 200-300 words.

If you have more questions regarding “early talking” stages, or believe your child is not using words yet, reach out to us! We specialize in working with the early intervention population (birth-3 years old).



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